Friday, September 16, 2011

Back In Time

Last week I went to my hometown of Millbrook, AL to visit my family. I love where I came from and think about it and the people often. This trip was a little different, in a good way.
My mom, brother & I took Jackson to play at Kid's Kingdom. This is a park where I used to play as a kid. It is next to the city league football & baseball fields. I have so many memories from this place... Some good, some not so good. Each time my brother & I would go to a different place in the park, we would share a memory. The creek that ran alongside the playground! We used to skip rocks and run from side to side. The gaezebo! We would play hide-n-seek in there! The walking track! My mom & friends would walk their miles and I'd run all in between. The baseball & football fields! Where some of my most precious friendships were made. The parking lot! Where I had a few fights with an ex-boyfriend. This was like the heart of Millbrook. I thought about so many people while I was at this "landmark"... My friends mostly. I don't have contact with a lot of them, but I will never forget them.

While I smile on most of the memories, I thank God for where I came from, where I am, and where He's taking me! I am so grateful to have had such a lovely place to grow up in with WONDERFUL people. My childhood all the way through High School was wonderful. I don't take any of it for granted. It's where I learned so many things. So, if you are reading this, and you were part of my growing up, THANK YOU!

A View of The Walking Track & Quad
The Creek
Old Train Car

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