Sunday, May 18, 2008

Matt Turns 25

Happy Birthday to Matt! Today, Matt turned 25. I wish my post would be more exciting than what you are about to read, but Matt didn't want to do a whole lot on his birthday, so I obeyed his wishes.
Of course we had 2 church services this morning like usual. It was awesome! God's presence filled the house. After church, Matt wanted to go to Skip One (a seafood restaurant) for all you can eat crab legs. I wasn't too thrilled, but once again, it is HIS birthday. There were about 20 of us that went. We had a great time celebrating Matt. After lunch, we came home to Courtney's (Matt's Cousin) graduation party that my in-laws were having in our backyard. The family and some close friends were there. Matt is napping now, but we are getting ready to head to Jeremiah and Sarah's for a night with just the 4 of us. I made an Oreo Pudding Pie and Taco Soup and Cornbread to take over for dinner. We are going to watch some movies and probably play Wii. That is all Matt wants to do.
Each day I love Matt more and more, but I like the fact that today is a day set aside to honor and celebrate Matt's awesome life. He is such a man of God and an example to me everyday. I thank God each chance I get because I truly am blessed to have Matt as a husband!

1 comment:

Such a Time As This.. said...

Thats so sweet!Jess you're such a good wife! You do have an awesome husband! You two compliment each other though! Love ya Matthew Paul! Happy B-Day!